Monday, November 21, 2016

The Gifts of Imperfection

Living with a medical condition has taught me many lessons. Not all of these have been positive, but a majority have given me insight that I would not have gained otherwise.  So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I wanted to acknowledge these "gifts of imperfection" :

Thank you for teaching me that I am not in control.  I still forget sometimes, but I get a reality check with every doctor visit and daily medication I take.  You have made it easier to trust my Heavenly Father and learn to place everything in His hands.

Thank you for teaching me compassion and love.  I have a long way to go, but I am slowly learning to acknowledge and embrace my weaknesses.  You have caused my heart to soften and become more and more like Christ toward those who are hurting.

Thank you for teaching me to focus on what really matters.  Letting go of my vanity has not been easy, but when I do, I am free to enjoy the beauty of the world and the people around me in a whole new light.  You have allowed me to see the eternal over the temporary.

Thank you for teaching me true strength. While I am not in control of the situation, I do have a choice in how I respond to my situation. You are producing in me a strong character that will be able to persevere through difficulty with integrity and grace.

Thank you for leading me down this path.  Who knows where I would be if you had not come into my life?   You have guided me and given me many blessings along the way.

I know I have not always been thankful for you, and there may be future days when I forget the lessons you have taught me.  But, the truth is, imperfection, you have given me so much.  So for that, I thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! You exemplify what God means when He says that when we are weak we are strong. You are strong, my friend and we are proud of you.
