Thursday, August 16, 2012

Comfort Food

Before I started this blog, I had some doubts as to whether it was a good thing to do.  It felt a little egocentric to be honest.  Then, the words of one of my camp counselors came to mind.  Some of her feedback to me was that she felt I had a lot to share with others and that, by holding back I was not allowing God to work through me.  I guess that's part of what God means in 2nd Corinthians 1:3-4 "Blessed be the God and Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our afflictions, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God."  If I don't share how God comforts me with others who might need it, I steal others of the opportunity to experience that same peace.  Now that sounds selfish, doesn't it?  So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that   through sharing, I hope this blog becomes a source of support and encouragement for anyone who is struggling.

So, how has God comforted you through difficult times?  I bet if you look back, you'll see the various ways He brought you through the pain.  For me, there have been so many times that God has used others to speak  peace into my heart.  I've also experienced times when I read a passage of Scripture that speaks directly to me and acts like aloe on my burning heart.  While God doesn't always take the situation away, He provides encouragement to keep going.  I know as David and I begin the process of adoption (Lord willing, in the fall), the road won't be easy.  However, I don't doubt that the journey will be worth it.  We are currently in the process of remodeling our home.  Largely in order to prepare our home for children.  Although the process is frustrating at times, it was pointed out that remodeling could be looked at as the "pregnancy and labor" period as we work to welcome a new addition.  While it will take longer than nine months, this perspective has given me new excitement (and comfort!) through the stress of what feels like constant dirt and chaos.  If I focus on the end goal rather than the inconvenience it takes to get there, I notice I am much more willing to go through it.  That was my recent comfort, a change in perspective.  May God bring you peace as He promises in His word.

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